How to improve website's website speed 5 popular ways
How to improve website's website speed 5 popular ways:- Hello friends Today I will share with you the top 5 popular ways to increase your website speed. here we share with you how to decrease website loading speed and rank higher in google. because of the website speed effect search engine ranking so, let's get started. How to improve website's website speed 5 popular ways 1. Use Cloudflare If you want to make your site safe and super fast , then use the Cloudflare CDN (content delivery network) for your site. because Cloudflare gives free SLL. 2. Do not use more than Advertisement The code for the ads is javascript code. Which takes our time more time to load our site. You do not have any advertisements on your page. 3. Use Fast Loading Template for Website It also depends on our Blog Website's Page Speed loading time template. That's why you use the fast loading theme to fast page speed loading time of your blog website. Watch action movie...